From September, Uridan Australia is offering an online CPD presentation through InHouseGroup3 titled ‘Redefining Water Efficiency in Commercial Bathrooms’.
As architects and designers proactively work to design, shape and plan for more sustainable buildings, uridan presents a real opportunity to boost design and water savings in amenities.
Every shopping centre, office building, school, pub, club and stadium requires a urinal…and much of the water used in each of these developments occurs in amenities.
This presentation will give participants a better understanding of:
- How water is used in commercial developments
- The history of waterless urinals
- Different types of waterless urinals
- How waterless urinals compare to more conventional flushing solutions
- How to calculate simple water and cost savings for projects
- How to create further water savings in amenities
This engaging online CPD will allow you to complete your Continuing Professional Development obligations from the comfort of your office. The one-hour session delivers 1 formal CPD hour and 1 GBCA approved point.
The presentation will be delivered by Uridan Australia.
The uridan collection has been available in Australia since 2003 with a complete range of tailored urinal solutions delivering great design, performance and water savings in amenities.
Collectively the Australian uridan community saves a water volume equivalent to 500 Olympic sized swimming pools every year plus associated energy costs.
To register for this Formal CPD please contact cpdbookings@inhousegroup3.com.au