World Water Day is the 22nd of March, and this year’s theme is ‘Valuing Water’.
World Water Day seeks to focus attention on the global water crisis and how we can better protect this valuable resource.
Countless organisations have embraced uridan waterless technology, thereby doing their bit to make the world better. For this, we would like to thank you!
Whilst it can be easy to disregard the urinal – the fact is it’s a necessary, personal part of our lives that has an impact beyond the few moments we’re in there – but that doesn’t mean these moments shouldn’t matter.
Our foundation of waterless urinals was an early effort to create a truly sustainable future: but uniquely to achieve this through stunning industrial design.
We want our teams, customers and partners to embrace this challenge – to make these moments matter. Show your community you are taking water conservations measures that provide lasting effects – even when rivers are flowing and dams are full.
Today, uridan urinals in Australia alone are saving a water volume equivalent to 500 Olympic-sized swimming pools EVERY YEAR!
In choosing uridan waterless solutions you are doing your bit to save this precious resource.
“We all have a chance to make the world better, don’t waste it on ugly bathrooms.”
Visit the uridan collection today.